Friday, December 25, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas celebrations

Today was the Thornton family Christmas, and both Abbey and Ethan had new clothes in honor of the occasion (and of the Sunday before Christmas). We wanted a family photo, but Abbey wasn't very cooperative. She wanted to play with the other kids playing ping-pong, not sit for a boring photo!

A few minutes later, much happier:

And here's Ethan and his mommy:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Off to bed early

The aftereffects of their second H1N1 shot and seasonal flu shot.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Putting up the Christmas Tree

The Saturday after Thanksgiving: time to put up the Christmas tree. I had a lot of "help" from Abigail this year. Next year, with two toddlers, should be really challenging!

Both Ethan and Abbey like the lights, and Abbey enjoys pointing out all the ornaments.

Happy Second Birthday Abbey!

December 4th was Abbey's second birthday! There's no original or creative way to say it, but it really is amazing that she is two years old already. For this birthday, we had a party for her: her grandparents on both sides came (mine via Skype). Many presents were unwrapped (the trainset was her favorite) and much chocolate cake was eaten.

One year ago. Two years ago.

On a late fall day, (November 14), Abbey was helping Debbie do the gardening:

Ethan was observing:


This is from November 5, a day when Abbey wouldn't go down for her nap at a reasonable time. Instead she fell asleep just before I got home at 5:00.

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