It is a beautiful day for the last Saturday in August. Anthony and the kids are with my mom and dad at an airshow at the Hillsdale Airport. I debated and debated on whether I should try to go with Isaac or not. He seemed a little sleepy so I did not go, then when he did not go to sleep upstairs I decided to go as he was upset when they all left without him. So, we packed up and left only to have him fall asleep by the time that he got to the airport. We turned around and came back. I saw a garage sale sign on the way back and stopped. I really hit the jackpot there. Not only did I get new clothes for myself, I found 8 or 10 nice and educational books for the kids at only .25 a piece. So, that was really fun. I am a little bummed about not going to the air show as I can hear the planes now, but all's well that end's well. I'm glad Anthony and the kids can go. I'm sure it will be fun and educational for the kids also.

Sitting in a firetruck. When we were at the hot air balloon show a month or so ago, Ethan refused to go near the firetruck because, "I don't want it to go 'Whoo-whoo!'"
Us in front of a F4U Corsair, built in 1947.
The Corsair parking after its acrobatic run, demonstrating wings-up for carrier storage.
In front of it is an F4F Wildcat. The two did some formation flying together, which is certainly a rare sight.
There were seven AT-6 Texans. They flew a mock race together, demonstrated some four-plane formation flying, and finally flew the missing man formation while a bugler played Taps.
The kids enjoyed looking at the airplanes and watching them fly, though they were getting tired of the show near the end. The highlight of the day was the cotton candy, however!