Saturday, September 27, 2014

2014 County Fair

Usually we go to the fair long before the last day, but this year that was the only day.  But it was a gorgeous, warm fall day for animal-gazing, people-watching, and fair ride-riding.

 Petting an obliging calf, courtesy of an even more obliging farmer.

Another kind farmer had a wooden calf, just the right size for riding.

 Ethan was very brave and went down the giant slide by himself, since I had to go down with Isaac.  

Climbing dunes and camping

One of my favorite evenings was watching the sunset from the top of a giant dune.

There was a weird tree at the bottom of the dune, a huge pile of exposed roots.  Ethan climbed it and then posed for a picture with me.

Abigail toasting her toes at the fire on hot dog night.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pictures from the children's museum in Benton Harbor

                           This was a little pretend veterinary clinic that the kids really liked.

                                             Isaac is going down the big volcano slide.

                                                I'm bringing my sick animals to the vet.

This is a pretend grocery store and apple orchard.  I'm buying some pie and frozen pizza.

Lake Michigan on Sunday, September 21st

   Sunday, the day after our good beach day, there was a major gale blowing in from Lake Michigan. There were gale warnings and huge waves.  It was VERY windy and rainy Sunday afternoon and I'm sure you can tell which pictures are from then.  We tried to go to a playground next to the beach that day and we stayed outside about 2 minutes and then headed to a children's museum near there, which was a really great  place and the next pictures are from there.

Playing in the Waves at Lake Michigan during our camping trip to Warren Dunes (Sept 2014)

 The kids loved chasing the waves at Lake Michigan.  They were much bigger, louder, and stronger than they look in this  picture.    I think Mommy sees a big wave coming in!
         Isaac loved the water too.  He stood there for the longest time letting the waves run over his feet.          Sometimes they were strong enough to almost knock him over!


                       Saturday was the warmest day during our camping trip and was in the low 80's.  A very comfortable day at the beach.  I'm glad we all had a day of good beach weather.  Not too bad for later September. 

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