Sunday, July 26, 2015

Naomi's First Babble

Twins at 2 months

                                    Naomi and Luke are sporting their Mickey and Minnie onsies.

Time for Camping

Anthony and the three older kids just returned from a four-day camping trip to Lake Michigan.  The positive notes were: the tent didn't leak, we enjoyed both a calm lake and a lake with waves, the kids loved their swimming time (at the beach and at the hotel pool), and the kids had a grand time with each other and with their dad.

On the other hand: Dad demonstrated that he doesn't know much about lighting fires, dinner got burned, we got locked out of the car and the car broke down, and we spent way too much money at concession stands and campground stores.

On the way!

Sliding down the giant waterslide, which was about two stories tall. 

Isaac does not like to get water in his eyes, so he absolutely declined playing in the lake, swimming in the pool, going down the waterslide, or even walking in the wet sand.  But he is always very cute.  Here he was patiently waiting for Abbey and Ethan to go down the waterslide.

Climbing the huge root-tree at the beach.

Enjoying the campfire.  It was warm most of the time but a sweatshirt still felt good at times.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Reading Dr. Suess

                                       I guess the repetition of Dr. Suess was too much for Isaac:)

Comparison Pictures

Abigail (about 2 months)

Ethan (about 2 months)  
                                                              Isaac (about one month)

                                                             Naomi              Luke
(about 8 weeks)
I wanted to compare pictures of the twins and my other kids at roughly the same age.  If I had thought about it at the time, I would have taken pictures of each of them at the same age in the same location to really compare, but these are the best I could find in the limited time I have!:)

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