Sunday, January 27, 2008

You can't fall off the floor

Before Abbey was born, we worried about how Striker would react to her. Thankfully, after the first day he hasn't paid any more attention to her than to anyone else, and probably less (since she doesn't pet him or otherwise interact with him). We don't leave them alone together, but we do try to keep them together as much as possible so they're both used to each other. I think it's the blanket that's the attraction for Striker here.

The other goal is to get her used to sleeping on flat surfaces, rather than her bouncy reclining seat that she sinks down into. It won't be long before she won't fit it anymore, and will have to sleep in the cradle, so putting her on the floor for awhile gets her used to it. We hope!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Christmas with the cousins

I just found this Christmas photo, taken with my cell phone for some reason. Anyway, it's Abigail with another cousin, either Scott or Micah. She has 11 cousins and it's hard to keep track of them all!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Awake and Happy (at the same time!)

Taken just this morning, while (trying) to get ready for church. We didn't lay her down crooked: she's wriggling around a lot now. Sometimes we get a smile out of her too, although I imagine it'll be a few more weeks before we can catch it on camera.


She does love cuddling with Daddy...

The most comfortable place

Some people have asked me if Striker is bonding to her yet: mostly he just ignores her, except for the occasional sniff-investigation. But he does like her really soft blankets!

Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa's

I think I got to hold her for maybe two minutes---combined---all day. She was certainly popular with grandparents, cousins, aunts, great-aunts, and even a cousin once-removed's girlfriend!

Sleeping in the swing

She really doesn't like the swing all that much, this picture not withstanding. But I'm sure she will, sooner or later.

Sometimes her eyes are open

The first week or two was hard: we couldn't get her to sleep by herself, so mostly one of us slept with her on the couch. Thankfully that didn't last long, though it certainly seemed to at the time!

She's four and five days old in these pictures.

2 - 1 = 3

Abigail Irene was born on December 4, 2007 at 5:30pm. Debbie woke me up about 4:00 Tuesday morning and said she thought it might be time to go. They admitted us about 5:15am, and twelve hours later we were not two, but three.

We brought Pooh with us---that's my Pooh, from when I was a baby. There's a picture of me in the hospital, with Pooh beside me. So I wanted a picture of Abigail with Pooh, too.

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