Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Propehtstown State Park

We took an actual "field trip" to Prophet's town State Park.  This is one of the fields it looks like they did a planned burn on.
They loved looking for shells, rocks, and creatures in this bubbling stream. An 11 year old boy next to a stream is about as good as it gets.
We concluded that this looks like a beaver made dam; and below.....
The beaver lodge! Pretty cool!
We think the area we were walking in is sometimes flooded.  We found some fish remains, which were kind of neat to inspect (keeping a good social distance!)
All along the wetland area were these wicked looking trees with 2-3 inch thorns growing out from the branches and straight out of the trunk.  The kids told me that some birds of prey hang their catch on the thorns! 
I researched this tree and it is a Honey Locust or Thorny Locust.  Wikipedia said it is sometimes used as an ornamental tree.  I don't think I would want this in my yard!

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