Monday, July 8, 2013

Missing teeth

Abigail's losing teeth!  Her second front lower tooth came out yesterday during lunch.

Isaac is slowly getting bigger.  I expect him to walk any time, though it could still be a month or two.  He stands unassisted whenever he wants to, and even took an unassisted step the other day.

 Debbie has been able to arrange her work schedule so she is home four days a week now.  I think everyone's happier about that.


The kids have been upgraded to bunkbeds: Ethan needed to move to a full-size bed, so a bunkbed fit the bill.  I spent weeks looking for it on Craigslist before finally finding one in Ann Arbor, loading it during a driving rainstorm.  

 Abigail begged for the top bunk:she tried to convince Ethan that the bottom was "better" because it had a ceiling.  Ethan was not fooled, but he did eventually let her have the top.

 But the joke is really on Abigail: she doesn't like being that far from Mommy at bedtime, so since these pictures were taken the first night, she's moved down to the bottom and Ethan now has the top (along with new Lightning McQueen sheets and comforter).

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