Thursday, June 29, 2017

Landed gentry

As of today, we are no longer homeless!  Also considerably more indebted.

There are raspberry bushes in the backyard, which might be the most important thing, as far as the kids are concerned. :)

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jet-setting with the kids

My dad retired a few weeks ago, so the older kids and I took a trip to help he and mom move, which involved flying, days of driving, and flying again.  But the kids were very good for me with only occasional squabbles, and they had a lot of fun with their grandparents.

The pictures are a bit out of order, because, well, because.

On the airplane headed back: there was much negotiation over who got to sit where!

Flying is hard work!  I think this was the second flight: note that seat-switching has occurred, which goes back to the negotiations from earlier.

Cows can be found in the airport.  Don't ask.

Naomi and Luke were happy to see everyone again!

Naomi sporting the boa that Abbey got from Grandma

First day of the drive!

Mom and Dad rented a whole house for us to stay in, which incredibly was less expensive than renting a hotel.  So Abbey got her own bed.

While Ethan and Isaac had a huge king to share.

Waiting for lunch

After lunch.  I love Isaac's helmet.

Swimming on Saturday, or was it Sunday?

Because the drive to church is long and all the restaurants would be overflowing on the Sunday before Memorial Day, we chose to do a home church; Mom did a class for the kids on "Letting your light shine", which they remembered for days afterwards.

One of the local parks: this was a really hot day, as I recall.

The last evening, we drove around and took pictures.  They happened to catch some frogs here.

Must've been baby frogs: they were easy to catch.

The morning of our departure for home

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