Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Camping Trip

This year our autumn camping trip took us to a lake in northern Ohio.  We had wonderful weather: just cool enough for a light jacket during the day, which made for good campfire weather at night. 

Breakfast-making in the camper

Breakfast is ready: bacon (a camping treat for us), eggs, and waffles 

Isaac's table was the oven door.  It worked well, until he accidentally shut it on his finger...


There were at least three playgrounds, possibly more.  Abigail was pushing Isaac at this one.

Making the evening's campfire.  We determined that Mommy was a much better fire-maker than Daddy!

 Fire at last! 

 Isaac collecting grass for starting the fire

Bedtime reading in the camper (On the Banks of Plum Creek)

The inevitable end of the camping trip.

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