Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Extended-Family Christmas

Monday was Christmas with Debbie's family, which traditionally begins with the singing of Christmas carols.

Followed by opening of presents, starting with the youngest. Sometimes it's good to be little: Ethan got to go first! And it was a really big box, too.

A firetruck, almost as big as he is!

Meanwhile, Abigail got a lot of cooking-related presents, including a microwave (with sound and light) and a mixer.

Ethan got a lot of vehicles: besides the firetruck, he got a John Deere tractor that makes diesel-engine noises.

Mom and Dad got some good stuff too, but it wasn't nearly as exciting. As with most holiday parties, the Opening of the Gifts was followed by lots of rich, chocolatey food. Despite short naps that day and staying a long time, the kids did really well. It was Abbey's fourth Christmas (3 years old) and Ethan's second (22 months old).

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